I had a lovely surprise this evening when I checked out the Indigo Mill blog and saw this infact I'm still blushing! I was so grateful for the fab service that the lovely Steph provided that I sent her a little thank you gift and was so proud to see that she loved them enough to blog them.
Here are my next four 365 pics:
9.3: We dog sat!
I have a new camera to get used to, I had to take mine back today as it was faulty. I was really gutted because I had really got to grips with it and was really happy with it, but I'm sure I'll get my head round the new one. I should get a chance to practice when I go away next weekend.
Am in school in the morning, I think we are doing something Red Nosey, so I'm looking forward to that, although I will be rushing home as its time to start stalking the Postman for my yellow box of GoGo sunshine and mini kits from Indigo Mill. So tomorrow night will hopefully be spent in front of Comic Relief scrapping the night away.
Will you be doing something Funny for Money??
B xx
You're so modest!
I have those sockies! Love them. Didn't do anything red nosey as our school are spoil sports but a few girls in my tutor did a sponsored silence. Mine was silence, but not sponsored!
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