I was just doing a bit of blog hopping when I discovered that my friend
Angie had given me this blog award. So I have to tell you 7 things about me and then pass the award on to 7 people.

1. My brother is gonna be 44 tomorrow.
2. I go to a pub quiz at least once a week.
3. I have a thing for bags of Scampi Fries.
4. I think every member of Take That is gorgeous but Gary is my fave.
5. I drive a VW Golf, called Colin and I love him.
6. If I could change anything about myself I would be a little bit taller.
7. One of my very best friends asked me today to be her Maid of Honour!!!!!
The last one is the reason I came online and Angie's award gave me the perfect excuse! I am so so happy for them. Exciting times ahead....
Anyway, onto the business of passing this badboy on.....
Kirsty, Clare, Rachel, Helen, Anna, Ally SarahTFL xxx