Hello Blogland, it's been a while! It's been a busy couple of weeks, am really getting into the swing of being a student again and am working hard, doing lots of reading and practising for the skills tests that I have to do. I have found time to scrap, albeit short bursts here and there but enough to get a fix!
Two weeks ago I had to go into Bath for two days to work on a project, on the second day I finished an hour before my train was due but shock horror I was too exhausted to go shopping so I popped into Smiths, grabbed a copy of Scrapbook Magazine and a bar of choccie and headed for a bench on the station platform. In it I spotted a layout that caught my eye by Anna Bowkis and it inspired me to do this.

I was really pleased as I managed to dig out some fairly old stash so I felt good to be using it up. Funnily enough the photo was taken in Bath. There are always really great living statues but this one caught my eye and I stopped to watch, this group of girls went to have their picture taken with him and when he saw that one of them was wearing a silly mask he lost his compusure and had a good giggle!! It was ever so funny.

Managed to use this cute robot stamp that I hadn't used yet, and used up some chipboard and sparkly sticky backed plastic (tres Blue Peter!) that I'd had for ages.

Am loving the grey splatters too!
Bit of a quieter week planned this week, good job as I haven't been well so need to catch up with myself a little. Will schedule some posts for you. Have a good week xxx