Thursday 1 April 2010

One Day I'm Gonna Have The Best Job EVER

Despite having less than two hours sleep, in the last 24 hours I have had a ball. Last night I went on a night out with everyone from school, a member of staff was leaving (sadly a good friend of mine) so we went to our local Italian for a meal. The food was gorgeous and the company was great. I had a good chat with a couple of people I don't normally get a chance to talk to much and lots of laughs (and of course a couple of G&T's!)

Unfortunately when I got home I was completely wide awake and eventually managed to nod off just before 5 only to be woken at 6.30! Not fun but luckily I didn't feel too bad when I woke up, although it has definitely caught up on me this evening.

An hour and a half sleep isn't the best preparation for a day that involves 30 4-5 year olds, 30 5-6 year olds, an emotional leaving assembly, a craft robo demonstration and 2 rounds of egg rolling!! But the sun was out and there was a lovely fun atmosphere that kept me going all day.

There was much hilarity when a child came and told me that his birthday was on 'the June-th of October' bless him, and later when a teacher in the staff room announced that she musn't forget to take the urn for the funeral! She did of course mean the tea urn but it was so funny to see the look on peoples faces when they were thinking she meant a different kind of urn, and the ensuing conversation about her 98 year old cremated Grandmother being laid to rest in the PTA's tea urn!! I won't even get started on the April fools joke involving a cupcake or I could be here all day!

It was just a lovely day which was so sweetly rounded off with a bunch of spring tulips from the teacher I work with. I will never regret a single minute that I have given to that school because it has given me so much back.

So tomorrow, very early tomorrow, we are off to our caravan for the first time this year. I'm not that excited yet because the packing and travelling totally stresses me out but I will love it when I get there. Have scheduled some posts so that you don't miss me too much.

Happy Easter xxx


Rachel said...

stunning flowers, so nice to hear that some people out there love what they do, i live in hope lol

Jenny said...

Those Tulips look gorgeous! Enjoy your time away.

Jen xx

SarahLP said...

Aah, so lovely to hear someone really enjoying their job! Hope you have a brilliant time in your caravan and you get some decent weather! Lovely tulips.. gotta be one of my favourite flowers.