Before I go on my hols in the morning I thought I'd catch you up on the non-crafty exploits that have kept me busy this week.
As a present for getting my place at uni, Mum and Dad gave me some money to get some new clothes so I put it with some money I had and have bought myself a capsule wardrobe that Aunty Gok would be proud of! Here are a couple of photos from my trying on session, apologies for the quality, they are iPhone photos.....

Because I won't actually be spending that much time at uni, the majority is school based, I have to be fairly smart.

I am so pleased with what I've got, I have stuck to a colour scheme of purples, greens and blues with navy and grey, (hardly any black!) so everything coordinates so well that I will never feel as though I am wearing the same outfit twice! I even managed to get a bag, 3 pairs of shoes and a couple of bits of jewellery to accessorize it all!

On Thursday, Mum, Dad and me went to Bath to see the 'Pride of Bath' exhibition. There are 100 lions dotted in and around Bath that have been sponsored and decorated by local artists/businesses and celebrities. They are so cool, we only managed to see a handful but I have another trip planned to see more when I get back. These are a few of my faves......
Dad and Wayne Roarney!!

This one is a depiction of Lord Bath of Longleat painted by one of the keepers at the Safari park. I had to take this pic cos I loved the two old ladies sat next to it!!!!

I thought this was sooooo funky!

En route we stopped of at the Assembly Rooms, as a result it is now my aim in life to find a man rich enough to pay for a wedding here!!! I was almost waiting for Colin Firth to walk very Jane Austen.

Saving the best lion until last, 'Imperial' designed by Cath Kidston, this isn't the best pic of it but it had the must beautiful floral union jack on it's back and I LOVED it! (I am sporting another item from my new wardrobe too!!)

And finally today we had a lovely day in my bro's garden in the sunshine. My neice's OH was cutting my nephews and SIL's hair and whilst he did it, I chose my new do from a magazine. It's gonna be this style......

With this colour.....

All ready to finish off my new look and make me feel fab for my fresh new start.
I also had a stroke of luck with a photo op today. I had my camera in hand ready to take a photo of my nephews new do when these guys flew overhead.....

I know you can't really see them but they are the Red Arrows on their way to the Bristol Balloon Fiesta (which I have seen no evidence of due to the wrong wind direction!)
And finally, my sis arrived back from her hols where she bought me this cute pressie. A tin......

With some teachery goodies in, a heart shaped pencil, some fancy tissues, a rubber duck shaped rubber and a box of chalks! So cool and will one day have a place in my first classroom.

There have been some crafty moments too and if I get time in the morning I will share before I go.
Thanks for sticking with me if you've made it this far!! xxx