Thursday, 29 April 2010
I Did It I Did It I Did It!!!!!
I got a place at uni in September!!!!!! Those of you who are regular followers will know how much I have fought to get it and will know just how over the moon I am about it! Thank you for all your kind messages whilst I was waiting...they worked!! xxxx
Tuesday, 27 April 2010
Just In Time
Today I was provided with some inspiration just when I needed it. Tuesday is my long afternoon as I don't have to collect Mum until 5 so I have a bit longer to myself, but I wasn't sure what to do with myself until Janice set us a mid week Gogo Challenge. The challenge was to use items from 3 kits so this is mainly March, some paper and stones from Feb and the twine is from Jan.
Sorry about the pic, I am limited to scanning at the moment as I left the battery charger for the camera at the caravan so am without it until the weekend. The scanner doesn't like anything 3d but at least I can share for now.
This is the layout I did at Scrapaholix yesterday, it's very similar to the one I did last month but nevermind!!

This is the layout I did at Scrapaholix yesterday, it's very similar to the one I did last month but nevermind!!
Saturday, 24 April 2010
Love That Face
I sat down this evening, with the whole evening free to scrap, after a chaotic week with absolutely no time to scrap, and I drew a blank! Didn't have a clue what to do, so I turned to the internet for inspiration and found this months Sarah's Cards Challenge, a sketch designed by Rachel. It was just what I needed to spark off my imagination and I did this.....
Using OA Thrift Shop, plus some Thickers and a few other stickers from my stash. I just love those papers, especially the background one and I think they work really well with the black and white photo.
TFL xx

TFL xx
Friday, 23 April 2010
I've had some fun cutting into my OA Thrift Shop papers. When I first saw the collection I thought that they would be perfect for this photo which is one of my faves in the world!! It's my Dad and Aunty in their Sunday School photo. My Dad is the little guy with the big ears in the middle.
And then one with my Gogo kit. This is one of the few photos of my Mum and all her sisters together. I was in the mood to go all out with pretty detail, so I did!
There were so many gorgeous embellies in the kit this month that I couldn't resist using the pebbles, pins and pearls (all the p's!!) on one page!
TFL xxx
Thursday, 22 April 2010
I've Come Over All Hipstamatic!
Yep, I've caught the bug too!! I downloaded the app yesterday so this evening whilst babysitting, I had a little play and took these....
Ah bless, he has an ear infection, hence the cotton wool, but I think he looks like a teddy with the stuffing popping out!
Being silly!
The newest teenager in our family ( he turned 13 on tuesday)
Maxy engrossed in his Lego, which incidentally, we discovered that Auntie's are better at searching through the box for bits rather than building. And now I am well versed in the language of Lego and will forever know the difference between a oner or a twoer!!
And then I couldn't resist taking one of Yoda!
And then I couldn't resist taking one of Yoda!
Wednesday, 21 April 2010
Monday, 19 April 2010
Just trying out my new blogging app! At the moment I am too tight to pay for the version that allows picture posting, I want to see how well I get on with this one first.
So today I was supposed to be crafting but it got cancelled so instead I have taken mum shopping, visited my auntie and been to the knitting shop. Am just gonna have a cuppa and then disappear into the craft room for a couple of hours to unpack my tote and maybe make a start on my next Butterfly Crafts challenge.
I've waffled long enough! Back soon with some pics for you xxx
So today I was supposed to be crafting but it got cancelled so instead I have taken mum shopping, visited my auntie and been to the knitting shop. Am just gonna have a cuppa and then disappear into the craft room for a couple of hours to unpack my tote and maybe make a start on my next Butterfly Crafts challenge.
I've waffled long enough! Back soon with some pics for you xxx
Sunday, 18 April 2010
Sun Kissed
Here's another layout I forgot to share with you in my last post. I am loving AC Dear Lizzie it's by far my fave AC collection, so pretty and spring like.
A photo of the babies after their egg hunt, their little faces are just so funny!
Haven't done any scrapping for a few days, have been outside enjoying this fabulous weather, it's been so warm and I am so chuffed cos I have been complimented on my tan already!!! I never tan!
I am planning a crafty day with Clare, Kirsty and Mum tomorrow. Nice and chilled before back to school on Tuesday. I am actually really looking forward to it, it's felt like a nice long break but now I am missing my friends and the children and can't wait to get back.
Hope you have enjoyed the sunshine xxx
Thursday, 15 April 2010
Lots to Share
This week I have been making a steady return to the real world after being in full on holiday mode and struggling to get out of it! I haven't even been as much of an internet addict as I usually am, unless it's on the iPhone of course!! I have been crafting though and I thought my good followers in blogland deserved a decent post so here you go....
Anyone who has read this blog knows that I am obsessed with one particular paper manufacturer and since CHA in January there has only been one line that was ever going to really satisfy my crafty hunger. If you don't know who I mean, it's October Afternoon of course, and if you haven't seen their stuff before get yourself over to the Craft Emporium (warning: it will hurt your credit card!!) Anyways, the two new collections finally arrived with me this week and I couldn't resist cutting into it immediately. I made these layouts with the Fly A Kite collection.
My cousins Leah and Chloe, egg rolling on Dartmoor. I just adore the shape stickers. I was pleased with the way the paint mist worked too.
I then did this one of Edward on the Easter Egg Hunt. I love that this collection is suitable for boy or girl layouts.
I doesn't show up well in this picture but I used Glossy Accents to make the strawberry pips textured.
I added a little detail to the corner too. Those label stickers really rock!!
Yesterday really was my lucky day as the postman also bought me this.....
What I think is gonna turn out to be my all time fave Gogo kit (not that I don't say that every month!! This month just confirms one of the reasons I love getting a kit. There are certain embellishments that I just wouldn't fork out for, like these JBS pins and buttons because they are too expensive but because they come in my kit I get to try them out.
I am just constantly in awe of those gogo girls, their eye is so fantastic, they manage to make each and every kit completely individual and come up with great ideas, like this amazingly cute mini canvas, so cool.
So again, I just couldn't wait to get stuck in so I did this....
My cousin Chloe is going through an unbelievably girly phase, at only two years old, I think it may be because she has a boy twin. Anyway, she refuses to wear anything but skirts or dresses so last week on holiday when it was too cold to wear skirts her Mum would make her wear trousers underneath, giving her the appearance of a slightly mad bag lady but so cute and full of personality!!
I am loving those embellishments so much that I just have to cram plenty on!
And finally I have fitted in a couple more hours of crochet and am now up to 5 roses.
In other news this week, I have spent some lovely time with my two besties, having a cosy drink and a good natter with one and plenty of wedding talk with the other. She is hoping to book it this week, I told her I couldn't wait cos I found a wedding countdown app!! I also downloaded 'Here Comes The Bride' and assigned it as her ringtone!!!
Anyone who has read this blog knows that I am obsessed with one particular paper manufacturer and since CHA in January there has only been one line that was ever going to really satisfy my crafty hunger. If you don't know who I mean, it's October Afternoon of course, and if you haven't seen their stuff before get yourself over to the Craft Emporium (warning: it will hurt your credit card!!) Anyways, the two new collections finally arrived with me this week and I couldn't resist cutting into it immediately. I made these layouts with the Fly A Kite collection.
And finally I have fitted in a couple more hours of crochet and am now up to 5 roses.
I also forgot to show you this pressie my Auntie bought me to thank me for the baby book I made her, that you lovely peeps left me so many great comments about. My nickname in my family since I started wearing glasses is Specs so she saw this and thought of me! It's a bit soft to keep my glasses in but I went out for a crafty day today and used it to hold bits and pieces, so it's being used well.
I have really enjoyed this holiday and it's been a good restful one but I am raring to get back to school and get busy again, I love the next two terms when the weather starts getting nicer, it's gonna be loads of fun.
Hope you are all having a fab week
B xxx
Monday, 12 April 2010
Why Go Abroad??
When we have this on our doorstep?? I have had the best week, the weather was great, I have a bright red head, chest, nose and arms to prove it!! There was great food, too much drink and great company and I have come back feeling full of the joys of spring!
Mum and I over looking Burrator Reservoir, gorgeous huh?
Those little dots are my family walking along the top of Sharpitor
And then some Easter baby cousins enjoying egg rolling....
One of our family dogs enjoying duck racing!!
Of course being surrounded by all that beauty made me feel very creative. While I was there I bought this to make something gorgeous for our caravan, I'll update you when it's done but you can probably guess what I am planning.
Our evenings just flew by and we enjoyed some crochet lessons. My sis showed me how to make these gorgeous roses. Luckily there are a wealth of great places to buy wool in Tavistock so I went straight out and bought this gorgeous pink cotton/bamboo mix and whipped up a few straight away.....
Those are for another ongoing project which I will update you on soon.
And then there was a little bit of scrappiness, not much I have to say, but when we got there, after the busy week I'd had I was desperate to scrap so I did these three layouts....
A march gogo one with a musical theme to suit the kit.
A christmas one to use up some of my festive stash mountain!!
A few random embellies that needed using up.
And then there was a little bit of scrappiness, not much I have to say, but when we got there, after the busy week I'd had I was desperate to scrap so I did these three layouts....
I have to say that I am still not sure about this one.....
Yes that is my neice and best friend putting their whole fist in their ladylike!!
So now it's back to normality, well almost, still a week of school hollies to go. Today my new iPhone arrived, I love it and haven't put it down all day! And tomorrow I am hoping my new OA goodies will arrive so lots to look forward to!
Hope you had a great Easter xxx
Tuesday, 6 April 2010
A Mixture
I realised I never showed you this layout that I did for the ATDML challenge last month. The challenge was to use papers from at least three different companies.
I used AC Abode, Sassafrass Sweet Marmalade and CC Material Girl.
I also used Prima flowers, CC Chipboard Alphas, MLS mini alphas and lots of other bits and pieces.
Obviously couldn't resist some liquid pearls and a few butterflies!
I was really pleased with the effect I got by using papers that don't coordinate, I love the way that the colours contrast. Plus I love the fact that it made me use up a few single sheets of paper that I had been hoarding for a while!
TFL xxx
Saturday, 3 April 2010
The Mod Father
You might have seen that the 1st of the Month visual challenge is up on the Butterfly Crafts blog. This month the challenge is to respond to this advert....
I've never done an ad challenge before so I had a good look at it and made a list of elements I could take from it: Purple, white and black, mist, stars, net, famous person etc This is what I came up with, hopefully you can see which ideas I went with.....
I created the mist effect with two colours of Shimmer Mist and some ink and a blending tool to make the bottom corner really deep. I made a couple of stencils and used them with some cut and dry foam to make the stars, and edged them in glitter with a quickie glue pen.
To fit in with my photo of Paul Weller I made the journalling block into a target shape for a bit of Mod style!!
I was really proud of the fact that I used absolutely no patterned paper on this layout, I got a good sense of satisfaction from creating the pattern myself. Don't worry though, it's not something I plan to do often, I love patterned paper too much!!!

TFL xxx
Thursday, 1 April 2010
One Day I'm Gonna Have The Best Job EVER
Despite having less than two hours sleep, in the last 24 hours I have had a ball. Last night I went on a night out with everyone from school, a member of staff was leaving (sadly a good friend of mine) so we went to our local Italian for a meal. The food was gorgeous and the company was great. I had a good chat with a couple of people I don't normally get a chance to talk to much and lots of laughs (and of course a couple of G&T's!)
Unfortunately when I got home I was completely wide awake and eventually managed to nod off just before 5 only to be woken at 6.30! Not fun but luckily I didn't feel too bad when I woke up, although it has definitely caught up on me this evening.
An hour and a half sleep isn't the best preparation for a day that involves 30 4-5 year olds, 30 5-6 year olds, an emotional leaving assembly, a craft robo demonstration and 2 rounds of egg rolling!! But the sun was out and there was a lovely fun atmosphere that kept me going all day.
There was much hilarity when a child came and told me that his birthday was on 'the June-th of October' bless him, and later when a teacher in the staff room announced that she musn't forget to take the urn for the funeral! She did of course mean the tea urn but it was so funny to see the look on peoples faces when they were thinking she meant a different kind of urn, and the ensuing conversation about her 98 year old cremated Grandmother being laid to rest in the PTA's tea urn!! I won't even get started on the April fools joke involving a cupcake or I could be here all day!
It was just a lovely day which was so sweetly rounded off with a bunch of spring tulips from the teacher I work with. I will never regret a single minute that I have given to that school because it has given me so much back.
So tomorrow, very early tomorrow, we are off to our caravan for the first time this year. I'm not that excited yet because the packing and travelling totally stresses me out but I will love it when I get there. Have scheduled some posts so that you don't miss me too much.
Happy Easter xxx
Unfortunately when I got home I was completely wide awake and eventually managed to nod off just before 5 only to be woken at 6.30! Not fun but luckily I didn't feel too bad when I woke up, although it has definitely caught up on me this evening.
An hour and a half sleep isn't the best preparation for a day that involves 30 4-5 year olds, 30 5-6 year olds, an emotional leaving assembly, a craft robo demonstration and 2 rounds of egg rolling!! But the sun was out and there was a lovely fun atmosphere that kept me going all day.
There was much hilarity when a child came and told me that his birthday was on 'the June-th of October' bless him, and later when a teacher in the staff room announced that she musn't forget to take the urn for the funeral! She did of course mean the tea urn but it was so funny to see the look on peoples faces when they were thinking she meant a different kind of urn, and the ensuing conversation about her 98 year old cremated Grandmother being laid to rest in the PTA's tea urn!! I won't even get started on the April fools joke involving a cupcake or I could be here all day!
It was just a lovely day which was so sweetly rounded off with a bunch of spring tulips from the teacher I work with. I will never regret a single minute that I have given to that school because it has given me so much back.
Happy Easter xxx
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